Friday, March 6, 2009

right brain vs left brain

hi,at first i concluded that the dancer is turning anti-clockwise but after few MINUTES i realised that the dancer actually turning both clockwise and anti-clockwise.personally in my opinion as human being we need to use both our left and right brain,but it is just matter of the situation.for example we need to use our left brain when we solving maths question and need to use right brain more when we read story books such as harry potter or lord of ring,because we need to imagine the characters.for me,actually i cannot decide which side of brain i using more because i'm very practical and i would never use my feelings to decide or do something but i like draw,imagine and like to take who i am????hahaha,so as ceaser says (I DECIDE MY FUTURE....)i really enjoyed myself watching the dancer because it was interesting and CONFUSING.

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