Friday, March 6, 2009

how to write a thriller novel?

Today, as I was surfing the net came across an article about 'How to write a thriller novel?'. From the article I obtained many interesting and useful information about writting a thriller novel. Initially, before we write a thriller novel you should browse the shelves of your local bookstore to see what kind of thriller seems to be flying off the rack. Technological thriller novels may be hot, or the book season may be defined by political intrigue. Later, determine what is missing in the current market. Ask yourself what isn't being done right now that will likely appeal to a mass audience. Then, ask dedicated thriller novel readers what it is they like best about the genre. Remember that writing for your audience is key to being successful with any kind of popular fiction.
Now while you start writing your novel, pace your novel intelligently. Readers appreciate enough character development to make them care about the people in the story, but they still crave for adventure. You can also insert crisp dialogue to make the characters talk like real people. At the same time, only include conversations relevant to the advancement of your story. Another technique is to put your protagonist in dangerous situations and keep raising the stakes. A hero has to continually defy expectations to keep your readers turning the page.
Finally, when you are done with your writing, seek an agent specializing in thriller fiction. Thrillers are quite lucrative if placed with the proper publishing house. Think of ways to actively and creatively market your manuscript. Entering novel contests are an excellent way to attract an agent's attention. You must remain active in your book's promotion once it is published. Authors who believe in their work convince readers that it is worth reading.

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